Osman El Zein
2 min readDec 10, 2021



Lebanon is united and peaceful under corruption under the control of Hezbollah by proxy of Iran is not possible anymore, it has been like that for some time, and the previous situation cannot be restored or the status quo can be maintained at all. Iran and Hezbollah are aware of this more than ever. Hezbollah, which acts as a proxy for Iran in Lebanon and the region, can no longer adapt to the current situation, or even continue with it at least. Iran’s options have become very narrow in Lebanon, and it is no longer able at all to legitimize Hezbollah is like the previous one, or presented as an option to curb “Sunni extremism,” as Iran depicts the battle in the region. Today, Iran is not able to build trust with the Arab peoples as it was, but it can only intimidate or fabricate what is not present in order to move forward in the process of expansion in the region comfortably. The situation in Lebanon is fragile and can only be fixed by enabling the Lebanese state to play its sovereign role and take its real decision in security and foreign policy. Failure to achieve the above and combating rampant corruption in state institutions is no longer possible, and deciding the fate of this will be through The fair voting process, but what I would like to point out in this article is to imagine the amount of hatred or anger that Hezbollah harbors until this date comes. What makes us more worried or makes the security situation in grave danger is this sharp killing machine. The eyes of the international community are absolutely directed to Lebanon, and to this date in particular, at least pushing hard for the holding of the parliamentary elections in the real time, but in fact we will face a lot in the coming days on the security and political level, and this does not bode well at all. The Lebanese must do is determine their fate and the fate of Lebanon through a fair voting process, and face the truth.Therefore, what I wanted to make clear in this article is that we will face the storm in order to move forward with the process of political reform in the country, and this will cost a lot and a lot, because we are in fact dealing with a sharp killing machine with a radical ideology that threatens Lebanon and the region.



Osman El Zein

Lebanese, Former Diplomat, Businessman. WFDP Economic Attaché, Advisor to the International Council for Diplomacy and Dialogue, Chairman of Thezeingroup.